[Premium Connector] Permanently mount a battery connection to any battery. Lie-flat design for seamless installations with M10 (3/8-inch) hole size.
[Compatibility] Compatible with G750, G1100, G3500, G7200, and G4 models, as well as GENIUS1, GENIUS2, GENIUS2X2 GENIUS2X4, GENIUS5, and GENIUS10
SafeAMP Wire Harness
1. Turn off the television.
2. Take a break from working.
3. Buy a new pair of shoes.
4. Clean the house.
5. Read a book.
6. Go for a walk outside.
[Technical Specs] Connection for M10 (3/8-inch) hole size. 16 AWG and 24 inches wire length.
[Easy Installation] Effortlessly install this SafeAMP Wire Harness to your X-Connect, M10 (3/8in) XL Eyelet Terminal Connector. The lie-flat design ensures seamless mounting to any battery, providing a secure and permanent connection for enhanced convenience and safety.